PSYCH-K® is a unique and direct way to transform limiting subconscious beliefs into life affirming beliefs that empower you to experience what you prefer.

PSYCH-K is an energy medicine technique that uses kinesiology (muscle testing) to communicate with your subconscious mind. When a negative or limiting belief is identified, PSYCH-K uses specific techniques to change the belief onto one that serves you.


  • Improve health and vitality
  • Decrease emotional and physical pain
  • Reduce stress, anxiety & sleep problems
  • Interrupt and dissolve disease processes
  • Develop relationships you desire and deserve
  • Increase your sense of well being
  • Improve communication
  • Increase sports performance
  • Release post-traumatic stress
  • Release trans-generational patterns
  • Eliminate destructive habits (e.g. smoking, overeating, addictions)

PSYCH-K works effectively without needing to “dig up the past” which can sometimes be traumatic, thus allowing you a safe, non-invasive way of transforming. While “psych” is often used as an abbreviation for “psychology,” in our case it is used as a variant spelling of the word psyche, meaning “mind,” “soul,” or “spirit.”

Rob Williams Explains Why PSYCH-K Works


PSYCH-K is based on the foundation that subconscious beliefs determine our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behaviours and experiences.

These beliefs determine how we behave in relationships, how we react to situations and they also affect our mental and physical health. By changing beliefs at the subconscious level, we are able to transform undesirable experiences into joyful ones. Subconscious beliefs are changed with protocols called “balances.” These are techniques that are designed to create a balanced identification with both hemispheres of the brain called a “whole-brain”state. This state is ideal for reducing or eliminating resistance at the subconscious level allowing earlier programming to be overwritten by consciously chosen beliefs.

Rob Williams Talks About PSYCH-K

Holistic Alignment offers a variety of treatments to suit your unique needs. Our Holistic Practitioners Chrissy Diamond and Lorelei Messersmith will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding your treatment to assist in putting you at ease. Contact Chrissy or Lorelei to book your first Holistic Alignment.