Clinical Sports Therapy (Sports Massage) helps to enhance sports performance and to promote faster recovery.

By increasing circulation through massage, oxygen and nutrients are carried through the blood stream to nourish fatigued muscles. Boosting blood flow and increasing circulation of the lymphatic system also assists in releasing metabolic waste from the body, thus accelerating the healing process improving both performance and recovery.

Techniques involved in Sports Massage may include the following:

    • Pre-event massage (vigorous massage at a superficial level to warm up muscles and promote blood flow )
    • Post-event massage (to assist in releasing contracted muscles and speeding recovery by flushing metabolic waste e.g. lactic acid, from the body
    • Active muscle lengthening techniques and facilitated stretching used to assist in lengthening of short muscles which in turn assists in the prevention of muscle tears
    • Strengthening regimes to assist in rehabilitation and injury prevention which focus on balancing both muscle dominance and weaknesses
    • Myofascial/Connective tissue release using slow and deep stretching to break up scar tissue from previous injury, also assisting with preventing re-injury
    • Heat therapy to induce muscle relaxation
    • Ice therapy to help reduce inflammation and swelling
    • Recommendations for supplementation where needed

Holistic Alignment offers a variety of treatments to suit your unique needs. Our Holistic Practitioners Chrissy Diamond and Lorelei Messersmith will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding your treatment to assist in putting you at ease. Contact  Chrissy or Lorelei to book your first Holistic Alignment.