Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage (Remedial massage, Deep Tissue, Manual Therapy) induces a state of relaxation that cannot be underestimated, as it stimulates every system within the body. All bodily systems have an overlapping effect where one function triggers a chain reaction throughout the entire body.

Therapeutic massage firstly addresses the soft tissues of skin, muscles, tendons and connective tissue. Releasing soft tissue tension can also release the skeletal system including the bones and joints. The fight/flight response of the adrenal system is switched off along with the deeper, slower breathing that is induced through and also induces relaxation. As a result, the good feeling hormones get activated and the entire hormonal system can come back into balance. 

Further to this release of the stress hormones, the digestive system can also normalise, in conjunction with the kidneys. The lymphatic system is also stimulated through the fluid movement created by massage. Likewise, the circulatory system of the heart and liver are assisted through the process of massage which helps to lower blood pressure. Consequently, the entire nervous system benefits.

From the holistic perspective, the physical and the emotional aspects of an individual are interconnected. In addition to the physical body systems positively impacted by therapeutic massage, the emotional mind/body is simultaneously affected.

Therapeutic Massage helps to balance stress hormones, creating relief from anxious states thereby enhancing relaxation. If people don’t receive much physical touch through their daily interactions, therapeutic massage can also activate good feeling hormones to create an overall sense of wellbeing. 

Therapeutic massage is also soothing for the emotions when someone is experiencing grief of any kind. The experience of grief can create a feeling of loneliness, alienation and detachment. The literal touch helps to reinforce the sense of connection and community and care that is often lost in the experience of grief. 

Therapeutic massage aims to:

  • Relieve of tired, aching muscles.
  • Improve range of movement.
  • Reduce tension on joints and vertebrae.
  • Improve skin and muscle tone 
  • Regulate blood pressure.
  • Detoxify the body 
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Normalise breathing.
  • Improve nerve function.
  • Reduce physical pain.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Balance the hormones.
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Increase feelings of wellbeing.

Techniques involved in therapeutic massage include smooth flowing massage strokes, kneading, friction, compression, rocking, vibration, holding techniques, and relaxation breathing. For a more specific remedial treatment, Neuromuscular Therapy is recommended.

Holistic Alignment offers a variety of treatments to suit your unique needs. Our Practitioners Chrissy Diamond and Lorelei Messersmith will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding your treatment to assist in putting you at ease. Contact Chrissy to book your first Holistic Alignment.