The paradox of Healing

The Healing Principle

The principle of healing, be that physical, mental, or emotional, recognises the innate perfection of the life-force within. From this perspective, by focussing on the flawless renewable energy source of every individual, there is nothing to heal.

I realise that may sound like a paradox. Especially coming from someone who has worked in the “healing industry” for nearly 2 decades. However, the truth is, I’ve never called myself a “healer”.

Healing implies that there is something to fix within the individual. Yet the quintessential nature of every human being, is the vibrant life force energy expressing itself in fullness. Healing then is releasing anything that blocks that expression of that life force energy. So that the individual can return to their original state of being in complete health and wellness.

Seekers of healing are often focused on what they perceive to be wrong within their body, mind and emotions. Much time, money and valuable energy can be spent on these perceived “wrongs”.

The key here is that the perceived “wrongs” of illness, and dis-ease are simply experiences. Experiences that are not permanent states of being. Illness and disease are changing expressions of impermanent imbalances, disruptions or blockages of the vibrant energy that sustains all life.

What Do You Identify With?

People often identify with these experiences of imbalance and forget their natural way of expressing health and vitality. They can form chronic conditions of pain, illness and disease that they sometimes mistake as their permanent state of being. In doing so, they essentially cut themselves off from this ever flowing source of life force energy. The same energy that brings about the very “healing” mechanisms that they seek.

Healing is really more of an allowing, it’s a stepping out of the way of the innate wisdom within the body/mind. Allowing the intelligence within the body to organise its myriad of functions creates balance, equanimity and harmony and flow.

The Paradox of Healing

Your essential nature is energy. Some people call that energy: God, Source, Universal Intelligence, The Unified Field, Consciousness, Spirit. It doesn’t matter what you call it, the infinite combination of waves, particles, atoms, molecules and cells is energy. That energy is what forms YOU. This energy is your whole and complete essential nature. It is the same energy that the earth, moon, sun and entire universe is made up of!

Returning to your essential nature requires your attention to be focused on the vital life force within you. You cannot return to what is natural and right by focussing on whatever you perceive to be the “wrong”. Healing is an act of remembering your “rightness”, your innate perfection. The precise and unique architecture of your exquisitely intricate mind and body.

This returning to your essential nature involves trusting your body and mind. Do you consciously tell your autonomic nervous system to activate all of the physiological processes involved in digestion? Do you tell your pancreas to excrete the insulin required to allow glucose into the cell for energy consumption? No, you trust the innate wisdom of your body/mind to do this naturally.

Healing is surrendering with confidence, to your natural ability to find balance. On the physical level, its called homeostasis – the body’s natural ability to return to a state of cellular equilibrium. On the mental/emotional level its called letting go and returning to your natural state of peace and harmony.

The Paradox of Healing

You may have heard it said “Where your attention goes, your energy flows”. This means that whatever your attention is focused upon, e.g. what you perceive as being wrong, or right, will increase.

On the emotional level, focusing on things to be grateful for actually releases our good feeling hormones, endorphin’s. So the practice of gratitude redirects our attention and energy away from our perceived “wrongs”. It also gives us a chemical boost that enhances our ability to feel good. This in turn, promotes healing mechanisms within our body and mind.


Healing is first about remembering your essential nature and then letting go and surrendering to this vital life force within you. It also involves being conscious of the process.

Many would say that consciousness IS healing. This awareness can guide you to take any actions that assist your body/mind to return to wholeness and health. The key here is that YOU are the life force energy that guides this process.


Some areas of health that you may intuitively feel require your attention could be:

  • Nutrition and hydration.
  • Movement/exercise.
  • Emotional outlets.
  • Psychological processing/Psychotherapy.
  • Massage/bodywork/Energy-work.
  • Talking therapy/Counseling/coaching.
  • Meditation/Breath-work.
  • Forgiveness/Releasing Fear.

The invitation is to trust your inner healer and the guidance that you get through your thoughts, feelings and senses. Let them lead the way to the full expression of your health and well being

Your natural state of being is radiant, vital, flowing energy and healing is simply a returning to your natural state. So from this perspective, there is nothing to heal. It’s simply a matter of remembering who and what you already are!

The Paradox of Healing

Written by Chrissy Diamond

Holistic Alignment offers a variety of treatments to suit your unique needs. Our Practitioners Chrissy Diamond and Lorelei Messersmith will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding your treatment to assist in putting you at ease. Contact Chrissy to book your first Holistic Alignment.