The Keys to Manifestation

Manifestation involves bringing into reality that which you consciously desire for your life. Being able to do so in an ongoing way requires you to be clear about what it is that you desire in the first place. For this to then be attainable, your desires must align with your personal values, sounds obvious right?

Well it is and yet sometimes the course of life, we can get distracted in attending to various commitments that crop up. Through family commitments, careers, health challenges and general life admin, we can lose touch with what we most deeply desire.

Let’s consider that there is no external power or force that can give you the life of your dreams. Nor is there any external power or force that is to blame if your life is not what you want it to be. If you don’t like the life you’re currently living, YOU can change it. Yet if you’ve simply got stuck on the treadmill of existence and want more than your current reality….read on

Get clear about what you want

Desires and values change throughout the course of life. Self awareness is vital in being able to identify what your personal values are and what you truly desire. This will differ when you are 20 compared to when you are 80.

Some questions that might help to guide you are:

  • What excites you or what used to excite you when you were a kid?
  • Where do you feel the most joy in your life e.g. what activities, people help to tap you into this
  • What creates the greatest sense of harmony, peace, contentment for you?
  • What do you enjoy the most about what you already do?

Does it align with your core values?

If what you want to achieve or attain does not align with your underlying values, the manifestation of your desires will be sabotaged.

An example of core values might be:

  • Being authentically fulfilled in your primary relationship
  • Having a career that allows you to live a healthy life
  • Having the time to invest in family, and important relationships
  • Living a life where harmony and peace, joy and fun are a priority
  • Having an altruistic aspect to your work/life
  • Earning an income that supports your chosen lifestyle and allows you to be able to assist others through donating to charities and/or contributing to society through other acts of generosity
  • Living in a sustainable way that reduces your ecological footprint

How will you feel when it’s your reality

The Keys to Manifestation

Literally imagine your desired outcome. Close your eyes and sink into your body. How will you feel? Have you ever felt this way before? Remember that feeling…the physical sensation in your body/mind/emotions. Allow your mind theatre to take you into this new reality like a dream, and summon up the feelings that emerge when you’ve achieved that goal. The important part here is to feel it in the present moment as if it has already occurred. Let the emotion well up from inside you like a fountain and stay in that emotional state for as long as you can. REPEAT DAILY.

Celebrate others who have achieved what you want to achieve

Instead of allowing feelings of jealousy, envy or self pity to contaminate your desires, celebrate with others who have achieved their goals as if they were you. This good intention creates a positive feedback loop that reinforces the vibrational state that you cultivate when you access your own feelings about achieving your goals. This practice aligns your energy field with that which you intend to manifest and assists you in bringing it into your reality.

Be undivided in your intention

If you have clarity about your desired outcomes as they align with your core values, anything other than your intended outcome is simply a distraction. Whether you’re suffering from an onslaught of self doubt, unwelcome judgements from others or material hurdles, they’re all just distractions from your intended outcome.

The key here is to acknowledge the distraction and then take your focus, attention and energy back to your desired outcome.

Take an action step towards your goal every day

Even if you only have 15 minutes spare, take that step, write that email, make that phone call, go for that walk/run, get out that canvas, sit down at that piano, cook that new recipe, deposit that money. Bit by bit, those 15 minutes turn into hours, days, weeks months and years and before you know it you’re looking back on what you’ve already achieved!

Take breaks to re-energize

It’s important to listen to your body and rest when your energy is starting to fade. Your goals will never be achieved if you break in the process of achieving them and so your health and vitality is paramount. Discouragement can set in when we feel fatigued and then start making mistakes as a result, so avoid this by giving yourself a break from time to time, switch that computer off…it will still be there tomorrow (just make sure you’ve saved your draft!!).

Keep going

This cartoon image sums up my final point beautifully

The keys to Manifestation


All the best in whatever it is you’re intending to manifest!

Written by: Chrissy Diamond

Holistic Alignment offers a variety of treatments to suit your unique needs. Our Practitioners Chrissy Diamond and Lorelei Messersmith will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding your treatment to assist in putting you at ease. Contact Chrissy to book your first Holistic Alignment.