Our Practitioners - Lorelei Messersmith
Our Practitioners -Lorelei Messersmith

Our practitioner Lorelei is a passionate and curious therapist with a gentle and engaging way of connecting with people.

Her interest in the human body started when she was an adolescent. In early adulthood, an accident she had introduced her to osteopathy. There she discovered its holistic approach to reducing pain, as well as rebuilding functionality and strength.


Moving to New Zealand in 2003 while pregnant with her first child, was life changing for Lorelei. Osteopathic treatment helped her to ease the transition from pregnancy to motherhood. She also found it beneficial for her daughter after an intervention-filled birth.  It was after this restorative experience that Lorelei felt led to retrain and study osteopathy.

At Uni, Lorelei was inspired by the engineering wonder of the human body and its physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.  She wrote her Master’s thesis on nocturnal bruxism (tooth grinding) and the treatment of the condition. Lorelei graduated with her Masters in Osteopathy.


After Uni, Lorelei developed an interest in Energy Medicine from the noticeable benefits she’d experienced receiving Reiki. Lorelei decided to continue her training as a Reiki practitioner, further cultivating her intuitive abilities and felt sense.

Practicing paediatric and pre/post natal osteopathy, Lorelei’s work has involved treating a wide variety of people aged from 2 days old, to 99 years old. 


Now practicing as a manual therapist, the longer clinical sessions allow Lorelei the freedom to utilise a variety of modalities. This way of working allows her to spend quality time attending to her clients specific needs.

Lorelei endeavours to understand the big picture of the client’s presentation as well as the smaller details. This allows her to customise the most effective treatment appropriate for the client.

One of Lorelei’s priorities is to constantly learn and revise her knowledge of anatomy, physiology, therapeutic techniques and mental health.  She utilises this knowledge to provide services that are therapeutic to the body, mind and soul.


Book a session with Lorelei

  • Masters of Osteopathy
  • Bachelor of Applied Science
  • Reiki 1
  • Sports and Exercise Nutrition
  • Emotional Anatomy


Our Practitioners - Chrissy Diamond
Our Practitioners –
Chrissy Diamond

Our founding Holistic Alignment practitioner Chrissy Diamond created the practise from her passion for assisting others through holistic wellness. Chrissy has been offering her blend of Mind/Body/Spirit therapies for the last 18 years. Now residing in France, Chrissy offers holistic coaching sessions online.


As a child, Chrissy could naturally alleviate the aches and pains of family and friends through intuitive touch. Cultivating this touch sensitivity, Chrissy qualified in a wide range of therapeutic modalities to become a skilled Holistic Practitioner.


In early adulthood, Chrissy experienced a traumatic, life threatening injury where she had a near death experience. During this experience, Chrissy left her physical body and encountered a guide. The guide showed her that she hadn’t finished what she’d come to earth to do.


Since then, Chrissy has deepened her exploration of the physical, psychological, emotional and metaphysical to increase her understanding. Her practise is now focussed on sharing this wisdom to assist others. Through learning about the different facets of the Human Self, Chrissy has also heightened her ability to sense energy. This heightened sense, has given Chrissy the ability to tune in and connect with people’s energy systems to guide them towards greater wellbeing.


Chrissy is currently living in France and is offering holistic coaching sessions online. Sessions include talk therapy, Kinesiology, PSYCH-K, remote energy readings and energy clearings.

Perhaps you are seeking emotional support to navigate some of life’s hurdles and you’d like to connect with Chrissy. Or if you’d like to develop your own ability to sense energy, Chrissy would be delighted to assist you.

By sharing her overflowing toolkit of energy medicine techniques and cognitive therapies, you can learn to use these for yourself.

With an intention to serve the highest and best interests of everyone that she encounters, Chrissy is looking forward to connecting with you. 


Book a session with Chrissy

  • Post Graduate Studies in Nutrition
  • Bachelor of Health Studies
  • Dip Neuromuscular Therapy
  • Dip Clinical Sports Therapy
  • Dip Clinical Therapeutic Massage
  • Diploma in Music

  • PSYCH-K Advanced Facilitator
  • BodyTalk Access Practitioner
  • Kinesiology Facilitator
  • E.F.T Facilitator
  • Contact C.A.R.E facilitator
  • Avatar Master
  • Transcendental Meditation Training

  • Jungian Dreamwork analysis
  • Bio-Spiritual Focussing
  • The Enneagram
  • Myers Briggs Profiling
  • William Meaders 7 Rays
  • Heart Power Process
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
  • Jeffry Allen’s Duality Course

Holistic Alignment offers a variety of treatments to suit your unique needs. Our Holistic Practitioners Chrissy Diamond and Lorelei Messersmith will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding your treatment to assist in putting you at ease. Contact Chrissy to book your first Holistic Alignment.