The lymphatic system is a fluid system that purifies our body from metabolic waste.

Manual Lymphatic  Drainage Therapy, otherwise known as lymphatic massage, stimulates the flow of the lymph fluid. The lymphatic nodes then filter this fluid and send it back into our bloodstream purified.

Treatment involves the application of extremely light pressure to the skin stimulating the underlying lymphatic vessels. Unlike the cardiovascular system, which uses the heart to pump blood through the body, the lymphatic system doesn’t have its own pump. Therefore, movement from the ribcage during respiration and pressure from optimal hydration levels act as ways of moving the lymph fluid throughout the body. The lymphatic nodes act as mini suction pumps, drawing the fluid through the nodes for purification.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Techniques used in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy include:

    • Gentle pressure pulsing over the lymph nodes.
    • Creating pressure or very gentle squeezing from close to further away from the nodes to clear the lymphatic vessel pathways.
    • Very gentle, light stroking back towards the lymphatic nodes always moving towards the heart.

Drinking water before and after treatment promotes the flushing  and release of metabolic wastes through the body.

This treatment is very relaxing and is applied with extremely light pressure, (be prepared to fall asleep).


Manual Lymphatic drainage therapy is effective in reducing some kinds of odema (swelling of the tissue due to fluid retention). Therefore, it is frequently used to treat swelling induced through pregnancy. Sports Massage also employs the use of Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy to detoxify the muscles and soft tissues to promote recovery.

Some studies have also shown lymphatic drainage may be effective in reducing cellulite.

Holistic Alignment offers a variety of treatments to suit your unique needs. Our Practitioners Chrissy Diamond and Lorelei Messersmith will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding your treatment to assist in putting you at ease. Contact Chrissy to book your first Holistic Alignment.